Tuesday, August 7, 2007

It's that time again...

Great it's that time of the term again...the second midterm. It just felt like I just took my first midterm yesterday. I think I should make the library my new home. Orientations are over, which means that we won't have tons of people on campus throughout the weeks. Now, we just have to wait for event days to have a lot of people around. Anyway, instead of studying for my upcoming exams, I went home this past weekend. I missed my bed so much that I spent the whole day on Friday sleeping in it, but I also was not feeling too good. The next day my family and I went to the Continental Arena in Meadowland, NJ to be part of the centennial for my temple. It was a big celebration and so many people put in so much time and energy into its production. On top of that, I got a call the other day to have the opportunity to work with a dentist back home. He is very accomplished and I'm very excited to shadow him.

I think I need a sandwich....

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