Thursday, July 5, 2007

4th of July

It was so nice to have only two days of class and work and then a day off, and then go back to class and work for the next two days, and then the WEEKEND! Our little office revelry still continued into this week. They have managed to almost duck tape me, but I ran away from them as fast as I could. The one time they almost got me and ended up getting duck tape in my hair. It hurt trying to get it out. But luckily, I have the capability of taking a pink highlighter and drawing very girly tattoos on them. Fourth of July was interesting and fun. The great part about living here at Drexel is how close everything is to the campus. The Art Museum is only a 15 minute walk from Drexel. The Art Museum every year has a huge concert and then fireworks. On fourth of July, it was began to rain at 9 o'clock, just when we were about to leave to walk down to the Art Museum. We had fun walking down in the rain even though by the end of the night we were freezing. We were able to get great seats since people were leaving because of the rain. By 10:30, the rain was not stopping. They announced that the firework show would not go on. A lot people were upset that they did not have the fireworks. We had to walk back to Drexel. While we were walking back, the rain began to die down. My boyfriend and his friends were walking me back to my building and planning on going to Seven-Eleven. While we were walking, we here fireworks in the background. We turn around and see that the firework show started. We go to a place where we can see them--the fountain in front of North Hall. We ended up standing on the fountain and watched. The fireworks every year at the Art Museum were great, but this year since we had to wait an extra hour for them, they seem to be more impressive. We all were soaked and the little breeze did not help. I ended up getting back at midnight and the first thing I did was hop into the showers to get warm.

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