Thursday, June 28, 2007

AHH!!..summer classes...

This week is the start of summer term. It is so crazy and hectic. I just moved into my room on Sunday and like usually, I forgot so many things. Seeing how my mom loves me so much, she is coming down to Drexel to drop of the things I forgot (me nagging her had nothing to do with it). I think I'm going to like my classes this term. They seem interesting and fun, plus they don't seem to have a lot of work associated with them. The best part of summer term is that I only have to take one final! I think I'm going to enjoy this term. There has some fun revelry that has arisen in the office. Two of my fellow employees thought the other day that it would be fun to duck tape me to my chair. Luckily, I was quick enough so I wasn't taped down. Later that night, they thought it was even more entertaining to take my stuff animals for a fun trip down to their room. They ended up going to the movies and I never got my stuff animals back. In the morning, I found a ransom note on my door. Although, I had to sleep without the loves of my life, it was great because the next day we had an event and they were forced to show their rooms to perspective students. They were explaining to the parents and students that the stuff animals were not theirs. But who would really believe them? After our ice social, which by the way was tons of fun, I ran into their rooms and it just happened to but unlocked. I ran in and grab my animals. One of them was still in his bed and couldn't get out because he was just his boxers while the other one down the hall in the bathroom. I managed to get into the room for the two seconds that could not do anything. Eventually, the one that went into the bathroom came back and attacked me--he found out that I was very ticklish. But after 10 minutes, I eventually made it out of their room. Now, they are threatening me by telling me they are going to steal Tiger, my lion, from me.

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