Friday, June 8, 2007

I Can See the Light at the End of the Tunnel

IT'S FINALLY OVER!! I'm done with my biodiversity and ecology class. I can't believe I lasted 10 weeks in that course. If Drexel had semesters I think I might have died by the end of the 15th week. But, I'll admit I'm going to miss taking my nap every Monday, Wednesday, Friday before lunch. But lucky for me, in the fall I get another wonderful ecology class. :-/ Now, finals are the only thing left and then I get to go HOME, which means no more writing 20 page bio lab reports or doing countless calc problems or reading scientific journal articles for recitation for the next 15 weeks! I can't wait to go home and eat homemade food, take bubble baths, sleep in my bed, etc.

P.S. finals weeks = :-/...hopefully they aren't a pain like my bio class was...but it that time of the term again...when I'm learning everything I should have been studying all term...

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