Tuesday, August 7, 2007

It's that time again...

Great it's that time of the term again...the second midterm. It just felt like I just took my first midterm yesterday. I think I should make the library my new home. Orientations are over, which means that we won't have tons of people on campus throughout the weeks. Now, we just have to wait for event days to have a lot of people around. Anyway, instead of studying for my upcoming exams, I went home this past weekend. I missed my bed so much that I spent the whole day on Friday sleeping in it, but I also was not feeling too good. The next day my family and I went to the Continental Arena in Meadowland, NJ to be part of the centennial for my temple. It was a big celebration and so many people put in so much time and energy into its production. On top of that, I got a call the other day to have the opportunity to work with a dentist back home. He is very accomplished and I'm very excited to shadow him.

I think I need a sandwich....

Friday, July 20, 2007


I can't believe week 5 is coming up. This means its midterms time. It is probably most hectic time of the term; I rather have take finals then go through midterm weeks. Lucky, since I'm only taking three classes this summer and one of my classes doesn't require any examinations, I only have to study for two exams. Trying to jungle work and school work is hard. But I hope I have put enough time into studying for these two examines because you always need to schedule in some fun time. I took my Accouting 115 midterm and I feel like it went well. I just have one more left next week. Now, I'm just counting the days until I will be going home again. I do miss my bed.

Monday, July 9, 2007


I love how I only live only thirty minutes away. I can basically go home whenever I want. This past weekend was my dad's surprise 51st birthday. It felt so great going home since I haven't been home for two weeks. I especially missed by bed. I went home on Friday and ended up taking a 5 hour nap. The next day was crazy and hectic. My mom had me running around everywhere for the party. But the party was a lot of fun and I got to see a lot of people.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

4th of July

It was so nice to have only two days of class and work and then a day off, and then go back to class and work for the next two days, and then the WEEKEND! Our little office revelry still continued into this week. They have managed to almost duck tape me, but I ran away from them as fast as I could. The one time they almost got me and ended up getting duck tape in my hair. It hurt trying to get it out. But luckily, I have the capability of taking a pink highlighter and drawing very girly tattoos on them. Fourth of July was interesting and fun. The great part about living here at Drexel is how close everything is to the campus. The Art Museum is only a 15 minute walk from Drexel. The Art Museum every year has a huge concert and then fireworks. On fourth of July, it was began to rain at 9 o'clock, just when we were about to leave to walk down to the Art Museum. We had fun walking down in the rain even though by the end of the night we were freezing. We were able to get great seats since people were leaving because of the rain. By 10:30, the rain was not stopping. They announced that the firework show would not go on. A lot people were upset that they did not have the fireworks. We had to walk back to Drexel. While we were walking back, the rain began to die down. My boyfriend and his friends were walking me back to my building and planning on going to Seven-Eleven. While we were walking, we here fireworks in the background. We turn around and see that the firework show started. We go to a place where we can see them--the fountain in front of North Hall. We ended up standing on the fountain and watched. The fireworks every year at the Art Museum were great, but this year since we had to wait an extra hour for them, they seem to be more impressive. We all were soaked and the little breeze did not help. I ended up getting back at midnight and the first thing I did was hop into the showers to get warm.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

AHH!!..summer classes...

This week is the start of summer term. It is so crazy and hectic. I just moved into my room on Sunday and like usually, I forgot so many things. Seeing how my mom loves me so much, she is coming down to Drexel to drop of the things I forgot (me nagging her had nothing to do with it). I think I'm going to like my classes this term. They seem interesting and fun, plus they don't seem to have a lot of work associated with them. The best part of summer term is that I only have to take one final! I think I'm going to enjoy this term. There has some fun revelry that has arisen in the office. Two of my fellow employees thought the other day that it would be fun to duck tape me to my chair. Luckily, I was quick enough so I wasn't taped down. Later that night, they thought it was even more entertaining to take my stuff animals for a fun trip down to their room. They ended up going to the movies and I never got my stuff animals back. In the morning, I found a ransom note on my door. Although, I had to sleep without the loves of my life, it was great because the next day we had an event and they were forced to show their rooms to perspective students. They were explaining to the parents and students that the stuff animals were not theirs. But who would really believe them? After our ice social, which by the way was tons of fun, I ran into their rooms and it just happened to but unlocked. I ran in and grab my animals. One of them was still in his bed and couldn't get out because he was just his boxers while the other one down the hall in the bathroom. I managed to get into the room for the two seconds that could not do anything. Eventually, the one that went into the bathroom came back and attacked me--he found out that I was very ticklish. But after 10 minutes, I eventually made it out of their room. Now, they are threatening me by telling me they are going to steal Tiger, my lion, from me.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Home Sweet Home

Being home for a week did feel good. I'm going to miss hanging out with my friends who are back from college and I haven't seen since Winter Break. I forgot how much fun I can have with them. It felt like nothing between any of us changed. We went out to dinner and caught up on stuff that happened over the past year to us. As they say, "Old habits are hard to break." Well, as usually it takes us forever to decided what we want to do after dinner. So we end up hanging out in the parking lot for another hour until we decided that everything we want to do is close. Finally, we just end up going to someone house to hang out. I still can't believe we all haven't hung out together for such a long time. On Monday, we all went to the beach. It was such a nice day to go. But the worst part was driving back. We ended up getting lost for two hours. We just kept driving in a 10 mile radius. I love how guys cannot stop to ask for directions. I ended up calling my mom to Google directions for us. We eventually got home and it couldn't have felt better. But, I know I have to go back to Drexel Sunday night, so I can start my summer term.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

YAY!!...Finals are over!! Now it's time to relax, but first tons of packing before I go home for a days before it's back to Drexel. Last night was fun, though. We went out to dinner and saw Shrek 3. Now, I kind of want a little Shrek baby; they were so cute. But, now it's time to help my dirty boyfriend clean his messy room. I never realized how dirty guys were until I came to college. He has garbage everywhere and a pile of clothes that almost high as the bed. I think he needs to dedicate many hours to cleaning his suite before he moves out.